Why do vape carts clog? If you’ve ever found an old cart lying around and tried ripping it you might have had this experience. THC vapes have become an undeniably easy and discreet way to enjoy our favorite cannabis oils. But, with this convenience comes forgetfulness, and in some cases, even careless behavior. Carts can get lost almost anywhere, or fall into the wrong hands, resulting in you searching online for how to unclog a vape. Thankfully, Melee Dose has the answers you seek.
We are all too familiar with the frustration of figuring out how to unclog a vape. When we were perfecting our 2g disposable vapes and 510 thread vapes, we found a lot of vapes that didn’t match up. Clogging was an issue that we were dead-set on eliminating for all of Melee Dose’s vapes. We’re proud to say that we found the solution—disposables and 510 thread vapes from iKrusher. Shop online with us and see what a clog-free THC vape experience can be like.
For those still dealing with the woes of vape unclogging, we have put together the perfect comprehensive guide. Not only will we help you understand how to unclog a vape, but we’ll also offer steps you can take to prevent future cloggage.
Understanding Why Vapes Clog
When you use your vape to enjoy your favorite THC oils the coil within the cartridge is heating up. This act of increased heat makes the oil stay warm after vaping, and over time, oil buildup occurs. This buildup can eventually lead to clogging as it cools and hardens inside the cartridge or vape airway. Other factors that lead one to wonder how to unclog a vape include temperature changes, overuse, and improper storage. If you are moving your vape from hot to cold places frequently, while also ripping it, you may cause undesirable clogging. Overuse may also put too much buildup in the airway.
How To Unclog A Vape – Easy Mode
For the easier clogs you may experience with your vape there are three easy tricks to try. First, gently heat the cart, using your hands, a blowdryer, or even the pre-heat mode on the battery if it has it. Then, slow, steady inhales will help you reduce pressure and avoid making the clog worse. Finally, find a paper clip or toothpick to gently scrape out excess oil from the mouthpiece, using it like a mini dipstick. Don’t get too aggressive with your scraping though, because you might damage the vape cart coil.
Unclogging A Vape – Hard Mode
When encountering more difficult vape clogs, you might still be left wondering how to unclog a vape. But, there are three more tricks you can try that might be effective. Try using a different battery first, to see if it’s possibly a connectivity issue with your cart and battery. Then, you can try the plastic bag trick. Put the cart in a ZipLoc and submerge it in warm-to-hot water for a few minutes.
If it’s still clogging, pull out the blow dryer and use a medium heat setting to provide extra heat and potentially break up the clog. Finally, you can try turning up your battery to its near-maximum voltage to see if the higher temp on the coil can burn through the pesky clog in your cart.
Preventing Vape Cart Clogs in the Future
Now that you’ve learned how to unclog a vape, hopefully, this knowledge will help you in the future. To prevent future vape cart clogging, we also have a few recommendations on best practices. Utilize these four tips to deal with vape cart clogging less down the line. Clear your vape cart’s airway after each puff. There’s such a thing as a “ghost hit” where you take a small sip after you let off the battery. This practice ensures that lingering oil gets removed from the vape airway.
We spoke on avoiding overuse earlier and we’ll hammer in on it again here. Avoid back-to-back sessions with your vape carts. If you’re smoking it with your partner, give the atomizer a break to cool down before handing it over. Most vapes use ceramic coils and if you rip on them too much you might also burn or flood the wick that delivers the oil to the coil. This too can result in clogging that messes with your vaping experience.
The third tip is to store your vape upright. This is the intended position of the cartridge and minimizes the possibility of leakage and buildup. Fourth and final, keep your cart in cool, dry areas that aren’t overtly hot or cold. Clogs can occur from major temperature fluctuations.
What to Do With a Severely Clogged Cart
After you’ve run through every single tip we have given here you might be wondering how to unclog a cart for other purposes. Yes, we’re talking about repurposing the oil that’s “stuck” in the clogged cart. You can usually do this by twisting counterclockwise on the mouthpiece of your 510 thread cartridge. This will take the top off and then you can use a little bit of heat (try low heat on a blow dryer first) and drip the oil out onto a joint. Or you could collect it in your banger for dabbing.
The other, much easier, option is to toss that nasty clogged cart and order online from Melee Dose. We have the best THC carts available for delivery that contain real live resin and rare cannabinoid blends. If you’ve been curious about the strength of HHC, Delta-8, Delta-9, and other potent hemp-derived cannabinoids—we have just the thing. Try our new 1g 510 thread carts for only $19.99 featuring strains like Blueberry Mutant Cake, Strawberry Zkittlez, and Mandarin Cookies.
Conclusion: Keep Your Vaping Experience Smooth
By now, ideally, you’re no longer wondering how to unclog a vape and you have the tools to succeed in the future. Melee Dose cares deeply about your vaping experience and goes out of our way to produce the best clog-free vape products possible for our customers. On top of that, we believe in the importance of spreading education and awareness. This includes topics that our community cares about the most like how to unclog a vape.
Always remember to take care of your vape and it will take care of you in return with fat, tasty clouds. Shop online with Melee Dose for the best THC vapes available for delivery. Sign up for our newsletter to start receiving weekly updates and customized offers that speak to your preferences.